Water is critical to sustain life. The importance of wastewater treatment is its contribution to the availability of clean, uncontaminated water.
Wastewater treatment is becoming ever more critical
due to diminishing water resources, increasing wastewater disposal costs
and stricter discharge regulations that have lowered permissible contaminant
levels in waste streams.
ECODOSE understands that the sustainable and effective
treatment of municipal, mining, industrial and household
wastewater in South Africa is fast becoming the key focus for national
upliftment and empowerment. There is a shortage of potable water. The
adverse financial, topographic and arid conditions under which water has
to be supplied, or reclaimed, are extreme. Rapid industrial development
and mining of low-grade ores and mineral resources, such as coal, complicate
the characteristics and adversely affect the quality of the wastewater.
ECODOSE is a South African company that designs
(and manufactures) state of the art wastewater treatment
and purification systems (and equipment) using patented
electrochemical technology.
This ECODOSE electrochemical core technology was
developed in a collaborative project led by Johann
Smit, professor of chemical engineering at Potchefstroom
University, and Henning Els, professional electrical
engineer of Lektratek Potchefstroom. The project
was co-funded and supported by Anglo Coal, Eskom,
the CSIR and the Vaal University of Technology.
The ECODOSE project was conceptualised and developed
by Johann Smit during an invited stay as guest research professor at the
Frauenhofer-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, in 1989. On his return to
South Africa he established a coherent electrochemical water treatment
research program.
Since 1992, Henning Els headed the team responsible
for developing the electrical component of the ECODOSE
In 1997, Anglo Coal added funding and support to the
project which in, February 2002, led to the successful
installation and commissioning of a demonstration
prototype system at Navigation Collieries in Witbank,
South Africa. This research project was subsequently
successfully completed, and its final report published
in August 2004, by the South African Water Research
The first two commercial ECODOSE systems were delivered
to Eskom in 2004 and installed at its Tutuka Power Station. Three additional
ECODOSE systems had been deployed at Eskom by end 2005; two at its Tutuka
and one at its Matla Power Stations. A further six ECODOSE systems had
been installed and commissioned at locations around South Africa; including
two at Xstrata's Wonderkop ferrochrome plant for the extraction of hexavalent
chrome from its wastewater stream.
ECODOSE offers cost effective and sustainable wastewater treatment solutions through a network of qualified, trained and accredited water treatment integrators appointed as ECODOSE Partners.
ECODOSE adheres to sustainable development principles that recognise the need to minimise the consumptive use of natural resources such as water, having due regard to social, economic and environmental factors.
© Copyright Ecodose 2006 | Ecodose is a trade mark belonging to Ecodose Holdings (Pty) Ltd